
Hazelnuts are sweet, and incredibly nutritious edible kernels from the “birch” or Betulaceae family of trees.

Hazel tree begins producing fruits about three years after plantation. Hazelnuts are very high in energy and loaded with numerous health-benefiting nutrients that are essential for optimum health. 100 g nuts carry 628 calories. Hazel nuts are an excellent source of vitamin E; contain about 15 g per 100 g (providing 100% of RDA).

 Hazelnuts are eaten on its own, roasted, salted, or sweetened. Hazels as well as filberts are nutty yet pleasantly sweet in taste.

Hazels are widely used in the confectionery, as an addition to chocolates, biscuits, sweets, and cakes.

They are also used to make hazelnut butter, which is popular alternative for peanut allergy sufferers. It is also less salty in taste. It contains, however, more fat content than soy or peanut butter.